The subject of apology seems to be nonexistent in our society; yet the need for apology is everywhere: at home, at work–even in national and international situations. For years, Sheila Quinn Simpson has been drawn to stories in which people’s lives would have changed for the better if only they had received or extended a sincere apology. Her intend in writing this book is to increase your awareness about the power you posses to wisely decide to change your life and the lives of others by simply saying , “I’m sorry.” This difficult action brings hope for change, growth, and renewal.
The subject of apology seems to be nonexistent in our society; yet the need for apology is everywhere: at home, at work–even in national and international situations. For years, Sheila Quinn Simpson has been drawn to stories in which people’s lives would have changed for the better if only they had received or extended a sincere apology. Her intend in writing this book is to increase your awareness about the power you posses to wisely decide to change your life and the lives of others by simply saying , “I’m sorry.” This difficult action brings hope for change, growth, and renewal.